Learn to Skate Classes

Register for Spring Learn to Skate Classes
(March 5 - April 26)

The Rinks - Lakewood ICE has group classes for all ages and abilities. Even if you have never skated previously, there is an entry level class just perfect for you. These sessions are open to youth and adult participants of all skill levels, with classes tailored to general skating, figure skating, and hockey paths. Space is limited and spots fill quick. View more information below and secure your spot!

Join the Learn to Skate interest list to receive information on upcoming sessions.

Starting in January: MORE PRACTICE PASSES!! We have made some small changes to the schedule in order to improve our customer experience and opportunities. We will no longer have a 10-minute free skate following each class but instead skaters will receive FOUR MORE PUBLIC SESSION PASSES with each Learn to Skate registration. That means skaters will get 8 passes… 6-8 extra hours of practice time… an added $64 value when they register for a learn to skate series. Use these passes for extra practice time or skating with friends and family.

Register Here

Spring Session Dates:

  • Wednesdays: March 5, 12, 19 & 26; April 2, 9, 16 & 23
  • Thursdays: March 6, 13, 20 & 27; April 3, 10, 17 & 24
  • Saturdays: March 8, 15, 22 & 29; April 5, 12, 19 7 26

Cost: $24/class with registration

  • 8-week Session: $192

Class includes 30 minutes of group instruction, skate rental, and 8 practice / Public Session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend during current semester!

  • SPECIAL OFFER: $25 off Thursday classes for all first-time participants. Offer available for in-person registration only. 

ACADEMY PREP OFF-ICE UPGRADE OPTION: Champions are built from the ground up, and off-ice training is essential to developing skill, strength, and coordination for every skater at every level. Train like the champions and add this Off-Ice Upgrade to your on-ice Academy Prep class!

  • Available for Academy Prep levels 1 & 2 only
  • 8 weeks of off-ice can be included for additional registration payment of $50
    • Drop-in Option: $7 per class

Learn to Skate USA membership is required for all classes.  Membership for July 1st, 2024 through June 30th, 2025 is $18.50

Click here for more information & to register for Learn to Skate USA

Tot Classes (3-5 Years)

Snowplow 1:

  • Sit and stand up, on-ice 
  • March in place 
  • March forward (8 steps) 
  • March forward, then glide on two feet (2 seconds) 
  • Dip in place

Snowplow 2 (must pass Snowplow 1:

  • Dip while moving (2 seconds) 
  • Backward Wiggles 
  • Forward Swizzles (3 in a row, no two-foot glide in between) 
  • Beginning snowplow stop, in place (right and left) 
  • Two-foot hop, in place (3 times)

Snowplow 3 (must pass Snowplow 2):

  • Rocking Horse (Forward, Backward, Forward) 
  • Forward Swizzles (6 in a row, with a two-foot glide in between) 
  • Backward Swizzles (3 in a row, no two-foot glide in between) 
  • Standstill T-Push (right and left) 
  • Moving forward snowplow stop (2 feet)
Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Snowplow 1-2
Wednesday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Snowplow 3-4
Thursday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Snowplow 3-4
Thursday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Snowplow 1-2
  • Hockey Skating Skills
Saturday, 10:40 - 11:10 a.m.
  • Snowplow 1-2
Saturday, 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.
  • Snowplow 3-4

Youth Skating Classes (6-15 Years)

Basic 1:

  • Sit and stand up, on-ice 
  • March forward, then glide on two feet (3 seconds) 
  • Dip while moving (2 seconds) 
  • Forward Swizzles (6 in a row, with a two-foot glide in between) 
  • Backward Wiggles 
  • Beginning snowplow stop, in place (right and left)

Basic 2 (must pass Basic 1 or Snowplow 3):

  • Scooter pushes (right and left)
  • Forward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds) 
  • Rocking Horse 
  • Backward Swizzles (6 in a row, with a two-foot glide in between) 
  • Two foot turns in place (both directions) 
  • Moving forward snowplow stop (right and left)

Basic 3 (must pass Basic 2):

  • Beginning forward stroking 
  • Forward half Swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise, 6 in a row) 
  • Moving forward to backward two-foot turns on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • Forward Slalom (both feet in the same direction at the same time) 
  • Forward pivots (clockwise and counterclockwise)

Basic 4 (must pass Basic 3):

  • Forward outside edge on a circle from pumps (right and left, 3 seconds) 
  • Beginning two-foot upright spin from pivot (1 revolution) 
  • Forward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • Backward half Swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • Backward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds)

Basic 5 (must pass Basic 4):

  • Backward outside edge on a circle from pumps (right and left, 3 seconds) 
  • Backward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • Forward outside three-turn (right and left, 2 seconds before and after the turn) 
  • Advanced two-foot upright spin from pivot (3 revolutions) 
  • Side toe hop (right and left)

Basic 6 (must pass basic 5):

  • Forward inside three-turn (right and left, 2 seconds before and after the turn) 
  • One-foot upright spin from pivot (2 revolutions) 
  • Bunny hop (right and left) 
  • Forward spiral on a straight line (free leg knee above the hip, 2 seconds) 
  • Forward lunge on a straight line (skating leg parallel, 2 seconds)

Academy Prep 1 (must pass Basic 6):

  • Outside edge (serpentine pattern)
  • Inside edge (serpentine pattern)
  • Power Stroking
  • Crossover-mohawk-back crossover

Academy Prep 2 (must pass Academy Prep 1):

  • Back Outside 3 Turns
  • Back Inside 3 Turns
  • Waltz Jump
  • Identify Salchow, Toe Loop, Loop jumps
  • 1-foot spin (5 revolutions)
  • Mazurka (from a standstill forward inside three-turn, outside edge must pass the toe)
  • Shoot the Ducks (3 seconds in position)
Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Basic 1-6
    • Levels taught separately unless classes need to be combined
Wednesday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Basic 1-6
    • Levels taught separately unless classes need to be combined
  • Academy Prep 1
  • Academy Prep 2
Thursday, 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • NEW! Basic 1-4 (Combined Class)
    • This class take place on the 11:45 a.m. Public Session; class goes from 12:30-1:00 p.m. and as an added bonus, your class sticker will allow you to skate the entirety of the Public Session, ending at 1:15 p.m.
Thursday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Basic 1
  • Basic 2
  • Basic 3
  • Basic 4
  • Basic 5
  • Basic 6
Thursday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Basic 1
  • Basic 2
  • Basic 3
  • Basic 4
  • Basic 5
  • Basic 6
Saturday, 10:40 - 11:10 a.m.
  • Basic 1-6
    • Levels taught separately unless classes need to be combined
  • Academy 1 & 2 Off-Ice
    • 30 minutes of off-ice instruction
Saturday, 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.
  • Basic 1-6 
    • Levels taught separately unless classes need to be combined
  • Academy Prep 1
  • Academy Prep 2

Ice Dance Basics

This class introduces skaters to the basic elements of ice dance and ties them to rhythm, patterns, and sequences. By the 8th week, skaters will learn basic ice dance, complete with pattern and music. Ice dance is a fun discipline within the sport of figure skating where edges, movement and choreography take center stage. 

Prerequisite - Basic 6 & Above

Spring Session Dates:

  • Saturdays: March 8, 15, 22 & 29; April 5, 12, 19 & 26
    • 11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Cost:$192/8-weeks ($24/class). Class includes 30 minutes of group instruction, skate rental, and 8 practice / Public Session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend during current semester!


Youth Hockey Classes (6-15 Years)

Note: Skaters must wear hockey skates for the below classes. No figure skates are allowed.

Hockey 1:

  • March forward, then glide on two feet 
  • Forward swizzles (6 in a row) 
  • V-Start 
  • Forward one-foot pushes 
  • Beginning snowplow stop, in place (right and left)

Hockey 2 (Must pass Hockey 1 or Snowplow 3):

  • Forward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • Forward strides using 45 degree V-Push, focus on good recovery and alternating arm drive 
  • Crossover starts 
  • Backward skating 
  • Moving forward snowplow stop (right and left)

Hockey 3 (Must pass Hockey 2):

  • Backward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds) 
  • Backward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise) 
  • One-foot edge turning 
  • Pivot turns 
  • Hockey stops
Wednesday 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Hockey 1 - 4
Wednesday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Hockey 1 - 4
  • Hockey Skating Skills
Thursday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Hockey 1-4
Thursday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Hockey 1-4
  • Hockey Skating Skills
Saturday, 10:40 - 11:10 a.m.
  • Hockey 1 - 4
Saturday, 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.
  • Hockey 1 - 4

Adult Classes (16+ Years)

Note: Skaters must wear figure skates for the below classes. No hockey skates are allowed, except for during Adult Hockey Skating Skills.

Adult 1:

  • Sit and stand up, on-ice
  • March forward, then glide on two feet (3 seconds)
  • Forward Swizzles (6 in a row, with two-foot glide in between)
  • Forward half Swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise, 6 in a row)
  • Beginning snowplow stop, in place (right and left)
  • Forward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds)
  • Backward Wiggles

Adult 2 (Must pass Adult 1):

  • Forward skating across the width of the ice
  • Forward one-foot glides, R and L
  • Forward slalom
  • Backward skating
  • Backward swizzles (4-6 in a row)
  • Two-foot turns in place
  • Backward skating into a long two-foot glide
  • Forward stroking using the blade properly (begin with repetitive one-foot pushes)

Adult Skating Skills:

  • This is a multi-level class, designed to accommodate adult skaters working on forward and backward skating, turns, steps, crossovers, speed, finesse and pre-freestyle elements. It is structured to work on the skater's own pace on the elements of interest. It is recommended for both Adult Figure Skating and Adult Hockey students. 

Adult Jumps & Spins:

  • This class focuses on the skills and elements involved in jumping and spinning on the ice, this could also be referred to as a “beginner freestyle” class. Edges, crossovers, footwork, single jumps and basic spins—scratch, sit, camel, back spin are all on tap. You should be able to execute sustained forward and backward one foot glides, consecutive forward and backward crossovers on a circle, a mohawk and a 3-turn, and an effective stop to be comfortable in this class. We expect a variation in levels. If you feel you’re on the fence, please connect with me and we’ll find a good time for evaluation.
Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Adult 1
  • Adult 2
  • Adult Skating Skills
Thursday, 5:45 - 6:15 p.m.
  • Adult 1
  • Adult 2
Thursday, 6:20 - 6:50 p.m.
  • Adult Skating Skills
Saturday, 10:40 - 11:10 a.m.
  • Adult 1
  • Adult 2
  • Adult Skating Skills
Saturday, 11:50 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
  • Adult Jumps & Spins

Silver Blades Adult Class

Want to work on your skating skills and connect with other adults? Want to use full ice to get the most out of your class? Need a fun lunch time reprieve? Silver Blades is a new concept class built around adults interested in getting instruction to further their skating basics—forward, backward, crossovers, turning, stopping… for some it may include more advanced edgework, footwork, and on-ice exercise. It is designed to give the afternoon leisure skater skills to work on and constructive feedback. Coach Aimee Cruz will pioneer this class and is a lot of fun to work with.

The class will take place on the 11:45 public session; class goes from 12:00-12:30pm and as an added bonus, your class sticker will allow you to skate the entirety of the public session, ending at 1:15.

*This is NOT a jumping and spinning class.

Spring Session Dates:

  • Thursdays: March 6, 12, 20 & 27; April 3, 10, 17 & 24
    • 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $192/8-weeks ($24/class). Class includes 30 minutes of group instruction, skate rental, and 8 practice / Public Session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend during current semester!


More Info

Learn to Skate USA Membership
Mid-Session Prorated Fees
  • Late enrollments will be automatically prorated for missed classes... if there is still space in a class, you can join any time Week 1-5!
    • Adult Skating Skills and Hockey Skating Skills will accept walk-ins throughout the session
Make-up Class/Missed Class Policy
  • You may make-up missed classes in the same level on a different day / time. To redeem these make-up classes, please go to the Front Desk on the day / time of the make-up class to check-in. Make-ups must take place during the session in which the classes are missed. 
Practice Pass/Public Session Policy
  • Included in your Session Fee is 4 practice/public session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend. To redeem these passes, check-in at the Skate Rental counter on the day/time of the Public Session and ask to use a "Learn to Skate Practice Pass." These 8 practice/public session passes EXPIRE at the end of the Learn to Skate session. 
How to Apply an Account Credit
  • Login to customer account
  • Proceed with registration for desired program(s)
  • When finished registering for your programs, checkout of the shopping cart
  • If there is a credit on your account, it will appear as an option to use for payment
  • Confirm the amount that you want to apply
  • Click USE CREDIT and complete the transaction 

Frequently Asked Questions

The Rinks - Lakewood ICE has group classes for all ages and abilities. Even if you have never skated previously, there is an entry level class just perfect for you:

Ages 3-6

  • Tot (Snowplow Sam 1)
  • Parent & Me 

Note: Snowplow 1-4 for the Tots is equivalent to Basic 1 or Hockey 1 for youth.  After passing Snowplow 4, skaters advance to Basic 2 or Hockey 2.

Ages 7-17

  • Youth Basic 1 
  • Youth Hockey 1

Note: Basic 1 (figure skating) and Hockey 1 are comparable entry level classes.  Hockey 1 will be taught by a hockey instructor using hockey terminology.   Basic 1 

Ages 18 & up

  • Adult Beginner (Adult 1)

  • We recommend dressing in layers including pants that allow for movement.
  • BRING GLOVES or mittens - ski / waterproof gloves are recommended for extra protection
  • Wear thin socks that come above the ankle so skates can fit snug
  • Helmets are VERY STRONGLY recommended.  A snow cap rolled up in the back can also provide extra padding.
  • Snow pants are great for tots their first days to stay dry as they are finding their balance.

Skate rental is included with your class.  We recommend getting your own skates by the Basic 4 level so that you have a consistent fit and feel each week and equipment that will be suited for the more difficult skills at this level and higher.  

Skates should fit very snug. If skates are too big it will be very difficult to balance.

All skaters should start in figure skates as it is much easier to balance on the longer, flatter blades. When it is time to transition to hockey skates, we recommend doing so during practice to adjust before the next lesson.

Join our Rinks & Great Park Ice Learn to Skate interest list to receive information on upcoming classes:

Preferred Facility (Select all that apply):

Future Skating Goal:

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More Information

For more information, contact:

Lakewood ICE Program Office
562.429.1805 ext. 6233

The Rinks - Lakewood ICE Skating Manager - Braden Overett

The Rinks Figure Skating Director – Alex Chang